For many Winters, now, my spirit has heard the voices of the Ancestors, calling, come, see, listen, learn, write, share. The calling is compelling me to travel West, and the message is, the time is now.

I have danced upon the shores of Tamarino Bay, but never have I seen the Grand Canyon. I have sat on the steps of the Parthenon and felt the presence of the ancient philosophers, but I have never stood beneath the giant redwoods, or sat in the presence of the Elders. I have ridden horseback to the pyramids in Egypt, but never seen the Sacred Black Hills, knelt upon the ground where our native people lived, hunted, fought, and crossed over. I am eager to experience all of this and more, not only for my own personal growth, but for what this journey may enable me to return to our people. I am visioning myself as an envoy of sorts, venturing into Sacred Space, participating in the exchange of Medicine, Ceremony, story, song, love, healing, and energy, then returning to our people better prepared to create and hold that Sacred Space for each other, offering its power in and through Ceremony, story, and song.

It is my desire to travel as simply as possible, in the manner of our nomadic, plains ancestors, driving (an allowed convenience), and camping along the way (no hotels or motels allowed), taking time to be open to the people, the magic, and miracles along the way, photo journaling the story, and posting regularly in my blog. I will be bringing my music and my message along to share with those the Creator may bring into my vision along the way of this journey. The Sacred Pipe will also accompany along the way, eager to share its Medicine and healing.

My first extended stay over will be in Bozeman, MT, where I have the opportunity to speak, teach, and share the story and song of my music. Eventually, I will make my way to through North Dakota, South Dakota, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and on to California to spend time with my relatives in the Medicine Path Native American Church in Berkley, CA.

It is not an easy, nor comfortable thing for me to do to ask for help and support. Yet, are we not told, “We have not for we ask not?” “Ask, and you will receive.” Furthermore, I am not seeking funding for the entire trip, as I am believing the Universe to open its abundance in and through the magic and miracles that await me along the way. A stop here and there to play music, an impromptu concert in the campground, and an openness to goodness and generosity of the people along the way will carry me from here to there. I am seeking assistance in funding the gear (minimum) (my trusted North Face was stolen a few Winters ago) necessary to begin, and a jump start in the intention. I have 364 Facebook friends. A generous investment of as little as $10.00 would meet and exceed the goal.

Your return? Your reward? Beyond the obvious mutual exchange of energy, participation in and of the dream, you will be provided access to my blog site, photo updates, a copy of the journal once it is done, and a CD of my music,( and the confidence that when it is your turn, you can know that your deposit, your investment will some day assure your withdrawal from the generosity, abundance, and favor of the Universe.

SPECIAL BONUS FEATURE!! Any gifting of $100 or more will receive a PRIVATE, one hour concert in your place of choice!! Invite your friends, and let us celebrate the music of Magic and Miracles, The Journey.

It is my hope to begin the journey on 29 July 2015 – the day of my 64th Winter.

A’ȟo! Mítákuye Oyásín 👣